Hospital clown work is born from the conviction that it is possible to install artistic intervention devices in the field of health, to complement the care of patients, within the framework of an integral concept of health.
We understand the health/disease process as an integral human event, influenced by biological, psychic and social factors.
We consider the hospitalized person as an active being, who preserves their identity, their decision-making capacity and their right to fully enjoy life.
As artists, we are convinced that the art of the clown, as an expressive language, is a generator of encounters that, while renewing the hospital, transform it. In this way, a different stage opens up in the relationship between people, in which it is possible to create new languages and symbols. Playing with and changing the points of view of reality allows us to find new possibilities, therefore creating the ability to move and find ourselves.
The artistic visits seek to stimulate the capacity of imagination, desire and enjoyment of the people who are hospitalized as well as that of their companions; decompress the tensions of the hospital; and favor the integration between the different people who inhabit this space. Thus seeking to generate a new concept of coexistence in health centers, in which both patients and hospital employees understand the disease as a great opportunity for spiritual growth and death as an inevitable and necessary transformation.
Performances performed in pairs or trios of clowns based on improvisation using the technique of clowning and music.
Each pair or trio of clowns visits a floor, intervening rooms, sections, nursing, offices and other spaces allowed to enter. The work is aimed at all the people that make up the hospital: hospitalized people, medical and non-medical personnel (technicians, cleaning, construction, kitchen, canteen, security, etc.) and family or companions.
Duration: 2 hours of direct work + one hour of preparation (half an hour before and half an hour later).
Number of participants: 2 or 3.
Place: Hospitals, polyclinics and other health centers.
Needs: Space to change and leave the belongings of the artists. Contact with the people in the health center to inform about the visit of the artists and the way of working.
Calendar 2016
Posadas: Escuela de Agudos Dr. Ramón Madariaga Hospital
Oberá: S.A.M.I.C. Hospital
Eldorado: S.A.M.I.C. Hospital
Lins: Irmandade Santa Casa da Misericórdia Hospital
Londrina: Ponto de atendimento Infantil Children Hospital
Lima: "Hospital del Niño" Children Hospital with "Bola Roja" group
Trujillo: "Lazarte Echegaray" Hosptal with "Cuatro Gatos" group
Calendar 2017
Guayaquil: "Hogar Corazón de Jesús" with "Pura Risa" group
Cali: Departamental Hospital, in "III Humanitary Clown Congress CaliClown"
Ciudad de Panama: Children Hospital with "DoctorYaso" group
San Salvador: Children Hospital, in "FestiClown" Clown Festival
Xela: Hogar del niño Minusválido San Pedro
"La Democracia" Hospital with "Fábrica de Sonrisas" group
Coatepeque: "Juan José Ortega" Hospital with "Fábrica de Sonrisas" group
Guatemala: "Juan Pablo II" Children Hospital, with "Fábrica de Sonrisas" group
Calendar 2018
San Cristobal de las Casas: "Senilia" Old age Home, with "Sonríe Chiapas" group San Juan Chamula Hospital
Calendar 2019
Puebla: Zona Norte General Hospital
Atlixco: "Gonzalo Río Arronte de Salubridad" Hospital
Luxor: Shefaa Al Orman Hospital | 26 of November
Nairobi: Kenyata Hospital | 13th and 20th of December
Calendar 2022
Bir: Tibetan old age Chontra | 31st of May
Calendar 2023
Dharamsala: Zonal Hospital | 3rd of June