This initiatory journey will be composed of several dynamics inspired in the training of the sacred clowns of native American cultures, designed in the form of vision quests to gather information from our own experience. Validate our own journeys without judgment, letting the knowledge circulate through the circle of the community.
The main objective is to aknowledge the present creative moment of each one. We will glance unfocused and passionately to let an essence appear, an energy on which to navigate.
Placing more emphasis on letting it emerge than on building, we will seek to discover a powerful and personal seed that serves as the foundation on which to face a creation with good and proper tools.
We will seek to experiment and understand the bases of the Energetic and Technical trainings for actors / actresses, accumulating experiences that each participant will organize in their own and particular way in search of an individual technique, of a personal dance.
This process aims to the construction of an acting vocabulary for clown, which seeks a deep contact with our emotions without resorting to our emotional memory. Instead, the access to deep and true emotions will be by resorting to experiences that each participant will experience in the course that will constitute their personal mythology and source of access to their emotions.
We conceive that an actor / actress only makes sense within a hospital if he/she manages to abandon any attempt to show his/her art to put himself/herself at the service of whatever is necessary to enhance a healing process.
Thus, the workshop will seek to train the ability to recognize the needs: own, of the other and of the space, and to understand how they are in constant change. Placing emphasis on being able to identify in a patient which is the part that is still healthy to pull that thread to promote the healing process.
community theatre
The work proposal seeks through experiential experiences from physical theater training, theater of the oppressed, clown and theater of objects, the true encounter with the self and between the participants.
This space usually constitutes a forum for public dialogue, free from political and / or religious positions. This is how some participants find here the possibility of beginning to break the layers of silence.
We propose a space to approach the world of circus without pressure, offering different entrance doors, so that each child finds his/her own way.
The circus disciplines work on coordination, self-confidence, trust in others, listening, presence, respect, perseverance and determination. Our approach seeks to create a space where the child can express himself/herself without pressure, accompany the child in their development process and enhance their artistic abilities, without imposing pre-established forms and allowing their particularity.
the acrobatic body
We will explore the acrobatic potential of our bodies, starting from the acceptance and listening to our possibilities in the present.
We will investigate the relationship with other acrobatic bodies and let emerge the unique dance of each encounter. Basic techniques of individual acrobatics, hand-to-hand and acro yoga will be shared.
In case the group is interested, the investigation of how to achieve that the acrobatic technique is used to enhance the narration of a story and not only be perceived as a mere act of scenic virtuosity will be addressed.
Through the dynamics of writing, drawing, visualization, artistic makeup and scenic creation, the participants will seek to awaken the creative state and guide them in the search for their own poetics.