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Amares Teatro is a theater company that researches and generates scenic proposals based on physical theatre, energetical training and clown techniques. Between December 2015 and October 2019, they made a four-year tour of Latin America, which takes them through Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Cuba where they present their shows "Lucidez", "RIO", "Camino a casa", "Encanto", "En la Orilla", "Los Colores del Oxido" and "Chicha" in festivals, theaters and unconventional spaces. Since October 2019 they are touring through Africa (Egypt, Kenya), Asia (India, Nepal, Vietnam, Turkey, Indonesia, Japan) and Europe (Spain, Switzerland).


They are creators of the Amares por los Mares Project where they carry out interventions in hospitals and shows and workshops in native communities. The project has led them to collaborate with several hospital clown groups, community theatre groups and native community organizations in Latin America, Africa and Asia.


In 2018 Amares Teatro joins the "Ambar" Collective: Latin American Artists and Promoters Network.

The Company has participated in the following Festivals:

  • X Festival Alalao, Oruro, Bolivia

  • Encuentro por los 20 años del Grupo Teatral Estación Producciones, Chiclayo, Perú

  • Festival Semana Santa Cultural, La Tebaida, Colombia

  • III Congreso Internacional de Payasos Humanitarios Caliclown, Cali, Colombia

  • III Festival Internacional de Teatro Sabanalarga Vive el Teatro, Sabanalarga, Colombia

  • III Festival Latinoamericano de Teatro "Vamos pal Barrio", Zipaquirá, Colombia

  • IX Festival "Golpe de Tablas", Baranoa Atlántico, Colombia

  • Festival Acronómadas, Puerto Viejo Limón, Costa Rica

  • II Festiclown Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

  • IV Festiclown El Salvador, El Salvador

  • IV Taller Internacional de Payasos en Las Tunas, Las Tunas, Cuba

  • XXVIII Cruzada Teatral Guantánamo-Baracoa, Cuba

  • X Festival de Teatro Jóven, Holguín, Cuba

  • III Festival CompARTE por la Humanidad, Caracol "Morelia", Chiapas, México

  • Festamalito, Festival de Artes Escénicas orientado a la infancia trabajadora, San Cristóbal de las Casas, México

  • Festival de cine y teatro “Puy ta Cuxlejaltic”, Caracol "Oventik", Chiapas, México

  • Festival de Artes Escénicas "No Más Muros", San Cristóbal de las Casas, México

  • III Encuentro Nacional de Teatro Comunitario, Santa Maria de Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico

  • VII Festín Clown de Trujillo, Trujillo, Perú

  • II FITCH, Chiclayo, Perú

  • Festival Ruta Clown, Huacho, Perú

  • XIII International Theatre Festival Alalao, Oruro, Bolivia

  • IX Festival de Teatro Popular y Callejero La Máscara del Pueblo, Pasto, Colombia

  • HsHs International Clown Festival, Alexandria, Egypt

  • 5th Bikaner Theatre Festival, Rajasthan, India.

  • Blue Theatre Festival, India.

  • 7th Natyamancha Natyusab, Dharmanagar, Tripura, India

  • Kusiyara Natyusab International Theatre Festival 2021, Karimganj, Assam, India

  • Natyasrijan and Canvas-5, Udaipur, Tripura, India

  • Kolong International Theatre Festival, Kaliaborg, India

  • Remembering Veenapani Festival 2022 organized by Adishakti Theatre, Pondicherry, India

  • 11th Shanghai International Experimental Theater Festival & Symposium

  • Do:Nyi Po:Lo, Majuli Theatre Festival, Assam India

  • 3rd International Drama Festival of Duliajan, Assam, India

  • Nepal International Theatre Festival 2022, Kathmandu, Nepal

  • 30th National Rangghar Teatre Festival in Barpeta, Assam, India

  • 10th International İzmir Theatre Festival, Izmir, Turkey

Andrés Fagiolino


Actor, clown, researcher and director, born in Montevideo, Uruguay. In 2015 he founded Amares Teatro where he researches in the following lines of work: “Technical and Energetic Training of the actor / actress”, “The art of the clown”, “Theatricalization of unconventional spaces” and “Hospital clowning”, developing a methodology of daily technical-physical-vocal training and its transmission.


He is trained in the techniques of physical theater, theatrical clown, traditional African dances and hand-to-hand acrobatics since 2007 with Álvaro Martínez Larrechea (Uruguay), La Fura del Baus (Spain), Gabriel Chamé (Argentina), Pablo Algañaraz (Argentina) , Victor Stilveman (Argentina), Cristina Martí (Argentina), Celia Ruiz (Spain), Yves Dagenais (Canada), Jacques Séférian Matthiessen (Denmark), Rolando Tarquini (Italy), Hugo Gargiulo-Maria Bonzanigo (Compagnia Finzi Pasca-Switzerland), Jacques Lemetre (Theatre du soleil-France), Ana Delirum (Austria), Yves Sioui Durand (ONDINNOK-Canada), Efuka Lontange (Congo), Masina Pascal Ategou (Togo), G Venu (India), Adishakti Theatre (India), Kalamandalam Sabarinath (India), Maneesh Gurukkal (India), Tania Bispo (Brazil), Rosangela Silvestre (Brazil), Nildinha Fonseca (FUNCEB, Brazil), Vera Passos (Brazil), Jean Paul Galinsky (France) and Vladimir Lissovsky (Russia).


He was trained as a Danceability teacher with Alito Alessi (USA) in 2013 and works with various projects related to inclusive art: "Projeto Luca - Special Circus for Pessoas Especiais" Circo do Capao (Bahia, Brazil), Mosaico Down Foundation (CDMX, Mexico ), Roosevelt School (Montevideo, Uruguay).


Complementarily, he is a graduate of the Careers of Pharmaceutical Chemist and Professional Cook.


As a hospital clown, he integrates the groups Medicinal Clowns (2014-2016) and Grupo Ser (2007-2012). He was part of the community clown group Comando Clowndestino (2011-2014). Participates as an actor in the groups "Clauntropía" (2010-2016), Dúo Tatá (2015). He performed as a dancer in the African Ballet of Montevideo (2014-2015) directed by Masina Pascal Ategou (Togo).


As a performing artist he has performed in various theaters, unconventional stages, hospitals, prisons, schools, communities, and festivals. He acted in the following shows: "El Lago de los Cines" (2013), "Cosas del ya me fui" (2014 -2015), "Tus zapatos en los míos" (2015), "Lucidez" (2015-2018), "RIO" (2016-2022), "Encanto" (2016-2022), "En la Orilla" (2016-2021), "Los colores del óxido" (2018-2021).


He has directed the following shows: "Cosas del ya me fui" (2014), "Tus zapatos en los míos" (2015), "Lucidez" (2015), "Camino a Casa" (2017), "Por donde?" (2018), "Chicha" (2019).

With Amares Teatro he was on a 4-year tour of Latin America (2015-2019) and is currently on a tour of Africa and Asia (2019-2024). Collaborates and dictates community theater workshops in the following native communities: Totonacos (Mexico), Zapotecs (Mexico), Tzotziles (Mexico), Tzeltales (Mexico), Taraumaras (Mexico), Aymaras (Bolivia), Emberá Chami (Colombia), Masaai (Kenya), Bedouin Tarabin (Egypt), Mising (India).


He presented shows, gave workshops, conferences and field research on the work carried out in Amares Teatro in several states of Uruguay as well as in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Cuba, Egypt, Kenya, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Turkey, Japan, Indonesia and Spain.

Betina Domínguez


Born in Nueva Helvecia, Uruguay, she has worked since 2015 as an actress-researcher at Amares Teatro, where she develops research in the following lines of work: "Technical and Energetic Training of the actor / actress", "The art of the clown", "Theatricalization of unconventional spaces” and “hospital clown”.


She is trained in the techniques of figure skating, contemporary circus (specialized in aerial silk and duo acrobatics), physical theater and clown.

She formed in handbalance and hand-to-hand with Jean Paul Galinsky (France) and with Vladimir Lissovsky (Russia). Since August 2015, they have created an acrobatic duo with Andrés Fagiolino, exploring breathing, movement sensitivity and static and dynamic acrobatic technique. Together they have dictated the workshop: "The Acrobatic Body" in several cities of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico.


Since 2016, she has been performing hospital clown interventions and has given community theater workshops in several countries in America, Africa and Asia.


She is trained in textile design and goldsmithing, researching and creating the company's wardrobe.


As a performing artist she has performed in various theaters, unconventional stages, hospitals, prisons, schools, communities, and festivals. She performed in the following shows: “Lucidez”, “RIO”, “Encanto”, “En la Orilla” and “Chicha”. Her solo show "Chicha" is selected to participate in the III National Meeting of Community Theater (Mexico), the IIV Clown Festival in Trujillo (Peru) and the I Festival Ruta Clown de Huacho (Peru).


She is co-director of the show "Los Colores del oxido" (2018-2021).

She is co-organizer of the "Festamalito" Theater Festival (San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico, 2018). And is co-creator and participant of the Laboratory of Physical Theater and Scenic Creation "Dawa" (San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico, 2018).


With Amares Teatro she is on a 4-year tour of Latin America (2015-2019) and is currently on a tour of Africa and Asia (2019-2022). Collaborates and dictates community theater workshops in the following native communities: Totonacos (Mexico), Zapotecs (Mexico), Tzotziles (Mexico), Tzeltales (Mexico), Taraumaras (Mexico), Aymaras (Bolivia), Emberá Chami (Colombia), Masaai (Kenya), Bedouin Tarabin (Egypt), Mising (India).


She presented shows and gave workshops on the work developed at Amares Teatro in several states of Uruguay as well as in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Cuba, Egypt, Kenya, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Turkey, Switzerland and Spain.

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