en la orilla
(on the shore)
"Do you know what is the most beautiful thing here? Look: we walk, we leave all those footprints on the sand, and there they stay, precise, ordered.
But tomorrow, when you get up, when you look at this huge beach there will be nothing left, not a trace, or any sign, nothing.
The sea clears at night. The tide hides. It's as if no one has ever happened. It is as if we had never existed. If there is a place in the world where you can think that you are nothing, that place is here.
It is no longer land, it is not yet sea. It is not false life, it is not true life. It's time. Time that passes. Enough."
Alessandro Barrico - Oceanomar
"En la Orilla" is a show created specifically for intimate places, such as bars, cafes and even the living room of a house.
Actors who stand in that special space where the ephemeral is the rule, where the gestures are polished to make the instants eternal.
Both public and actors will end up splashed from the same sea that brings in its salt stories of time.
We were interested in exploring the concept of the ephemeral. We wondered about what it is to transcend and what is really transcendent.
Acrobats, jugglers, musicians and clowns represent it.
Direction, creation and interpretation: Andrés Fagiolino, Axel Gottschalk, Betina Dominguez
Musical direction: Axel Gottschalk
Original music: Axel Gottschalk
Costume making and design: Betina Domínguez
Lights design: Amares Tetro
Graphic design: Amares Teatro
Production: Amares Teatro
Time lenght: 60 min
Assembly time: 90 min
Disassembly time: 30 min
Suitable: All ages
Calendar 2016
Sucre: La Quimba | 24th of August
La Paz: Bar Magik | 15th of September
Almatroste | 17th of September
Cusco: La Escencia | 10th of October
Ukukus Bar | 14th of October
Lima: Remy Pizzeria | 13th of November
Calendar 2017
Pasto: El Búho Café Cultural | 30th of March and 1st of April
Tuluá: La Casa de Todos | 21st of April
Calendar 2018
XXVIII International Theatre Festival "Cruzada Teatral Guantánamo - Baracoa"
Guarano | 17th of February
Los Llanos | 18th of February
La Máquina | 19th of February
Punta de Maisí | 20th of February
La Ceiba | 21st of February
Sabana | 22nd of February
Yumuri | 23rd of February
San Cristobal de las Casas: Centro Cultural Wapani | 17th and 23rd of November
Sereno Art Hotel | 24th of November
El Paliacate | 29th of November
Calendar 2019
Oaxaca: La Jicara Espacio Cultural | 14th of February
Creel: Bohemian night-Educative Center "Tamujé-Iwigara" | 4th of May
Cusco: School of Arts | 23rd of May
Cultural center "La Escencia" | 25th of May
Chiclayo: II International Theatre Festival "II FITCH A volar" | 29th of June
Oruro: XIII Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas Alalao | 9th of August
Challapata: Café Cultural Salamanca | 10th of August
Piriapolis: Casa cultural "La Mandarina" | 27th of September
Colonia: Cerveceria Barbot | 28th of September
Nueva Helvecia: Cerveceria Suiza | 29th of September
Calendar 2020
Rishikesh: Indian Culture | 18th of August
Bir: Deer Park Institute | 9th and 14th of November
Calendario 2021
Patnem: Bliss Circus | 17th of December
Calendar 2022
Bir: Deer Park Institute | 29th of May