In the midst of a great regional drought, a town sends two of its members to find out the causes of the lack of water. The pilgrims will have to travel far to their deep roots to understand what is happening.
RIO is the story of a town without water, of a long journey, of a humanity that got lost. An invitation to reflect on the walk of human beings on this earth.
Memory rests in your threads, the one that tastes as shared infusion at sunset, the one that germinates in the rifts of the hands of the farmers, the one that silently keeps in the hairstyles marking the way home. To her they turn off the light, she is prefered quiet and speaking softly.
Today she wakes up bringing water, washing wounds, watering the earth, erasing borders. And we humanity made of clay start to disintegrate to return to the earth and reborn.
They have taken their streets, the objects fall, the memories fade and he is still there, polishing, hammering, trying to make life go on.
Los Colores del Óxido is a dance with the inevitable passage of time. What about the other side? What is death? Is there something after? If the memories were falling off like autumn leaves, what would be the last one to be released?

"On the shore" is a show created specifically for intimate places, such as bars, cafes and even the living room of a house.
"The sea erases at night, the tide hides, it's as if no one has ever passed, it's as if we had never existed, if there is a place in the world where you can think you're nothing, that place is here ... "
radio theatre
In the midst of a great regional drought, a town sends two of its members to find out the causes of the lack of water. The pilgrims will have to travel far to their deep roots to understand what is happening.
Rio is the story of a town without water, of a long journey, of a humanity that got lost. An invitation to reflect on the walk of human beings on this earth.
Where minutes before it was a square or a pedestrian promenade, now one of the oldest rituals of humanity is about to begin. The audience attends curious, laughs, participates, allow themselves to be transformed. On the other side of the circle are they who, risking their bodies and souls, bring tales from far away places. At a given moment, actors and audience merge into one, humanity that falls and rises, everyday heroes that with honor and dignity almost always lose.
Dos desconocidos esperan en una desolada estación de tren.. Cargan sueños, esperanzas, dolores…Esperando lo que vienen a esperar se encuentran con lo inesperado.
¿Qué esperamos cuando esperamos?, ¿A quién? ¿A qué? ¿Qué encontramos? ¿Esperamos o nos esperan? ¿Quién maneja los hilos?