We will work on the technique of the scenic clown transversalized by the creative ludic musicality. To do this we will propose tools that allow us to explore, investigate, self-knowledge, developing the use of our body and breathing as a primordial sound, at the same time as including musical instruments that serve as support and extension of our creative (body, mind, energy).
Music will allow us to play with a scenic time that will be our own time, the beat of our heart in the present.
We understand music itself as a powerful and meditative instrument that leaves us standing at the doors of ourselves. It generates images, climates sensations, awakening that creative seed that lives in our purest essence.
It opens us listening, perception, transforms us and proposes ways to travel, transcends us without being able to resist its magic, it tunes us in our inner vibration and how it enters into relationship with others.
What sounds inside me, I listen to myself, I discover my internal vibrations, my voices that speak and intermingle with what surrounds me.
Let us count, sing, sound, go through the music that we are, that which is born in my body and that comes out of it in infinite ways among those who share me, is transformed into images and sensations for those who tune in and makes me come true.
The workshop is aimed at anyone who is interested in bonding, approaching and connecting with this way of expressing oneself and Being.
In a first stage we will carry out awareness-raising dynamics and deep listening, that will put each member in a genuine state of openness and vulnerability, thus stopping us at the doors of that great creative source that we are. For this we will use dynamics that develop our vocal source as the main and first resonator. Breathing, support in our body, entering spaces of no-mind as essential tools to enter into states of vibrate and vibrate genuinely.
Then, based on the dynamics proposed, we will deal with the creative moments of each participant and how this is related to the other colleagues. In this way we will come to propose works of improvisation, as a way to channel this energy into scenic material that can be used for later works and a deep self-knowledge.
The workshop consists of three meetings of three hours each. Adapting to the needs and realities of each group.
Minimum 8, maximum 16
Enough space for 20 participants to lie on the floor and to move comfortably.
Bring comfortable clothes that allow the expression of our body. Eventually and as a complement, we will use any type of musical instruments or sound material with which they feel familiar or not.
Cali: Congreso de Payasos Hospitalarios "CaliClown", 29 y 30 of April
Medellin - Teatro Casa Clown, 22, 23 y 24 of May